What is Stellar Drive Monitor?
Modern hard drives are far more dependable than older disks. They are, however, exceedingly sophisticated electrical devices with moving parts that must be amortized. Modern disks’ high data storage density enables data storage enables for larger storage capacities and faster access rates. However, when densities and capacities are pushed to their limits, you have a lot more to lose if the drive fails. The hard drive is the most significant component in your PC since it stores everything of actual value: your documents, digital photos, email messages, business, and personal data.
The setup wizard will walk you through the entire installation procedure and assist you in completing it. Its installation steps are no different or more difficult than those of any other usual program. Other than the core application, there is no malicious or additional third-party software included in the package.
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 & 7 are supported operating systems.
The user interface could not be simpler or more attractive. The main window has as many tabs as you have driven, and clicking on one of them displays the status of that drive. At the top, you may see an overview and a graphic representation of the disk’s health; green indicates no difficulties, yellow indicates an urgent situation, and red indicates a catastrophic condition. The manufacturer’s name and model of the hard drive are shown below, as well as the overall size of the disk, its temperature, total work time, health status, and performance percentage, as well as information on the available space in each of the disk’s logical disks (partitions).
- Simple to Use
Stellar Drive Monitor is simple and comfortable to use for home users, while system administrators will appreciate its extensive and powerful capabilities. Stellar Drive Monitor understands everything there is to know about your disks and provides that knowledge with you in the method you like – from seeing the health of your hard drives at a glance to receiving remote notifications about emerging problems via a network.
- Regular Checkups and Continuous Monitoring
Stellar Drive Monitor constantly checks the health and performance of your hard drive in the background! To avoid performance degradation and untimely alerts, you can create your check-up plan.
- Safeguard Your Backups
External hard disks connected via USB are supported by Stellar Drive Monitor. You’ll know right away if your backups are in jeopardy due to an issue developing in an external disk!
- Save Noise Levels
Did you realize that hard drives have been supporting noise reduction technology for many years without telling you? The AAM (Automatic Acoustic Management) technology inherent in all modern hard drives allows you to control the noise levels of your disk, but only Stellar Drive Monitor has access to it through Windows. You can you’re your drive silent effortlessly by enabling a silent mode without compromising too much speed. Stellar Drive Monitor allows you to fine-tune the noise level of your disk and alter the noise vs. performance ratio to your liking.
- Power Control
Stellar Drive Monitor is more than just a disk health monitor. It can save your electricity bills by lowering the power consumption of your disk – a very unique function that is invaluable if you manage a large number of PCs!
- Free Space Monitor
Another thing Stellar Drive Monitor monitors and reports on is the amount of free space on your hard drives. When a disk has insufficient free space, its performance rapidly degrades. With this information, you’ll be able to free up the needed space and avoid a performance drop.
- Your Hard Drive’s Digital Thermometer
A minor increase in working temperature significantly reduces the performance of your disk. Stellar Drive Monitor displays the temperatures of your drives in the system tray and issues an alert if the drive overheats.
- Remote Network Administrator and Performance Monitoring
Hard drive failures on all PCs in your network can be simply avoided. Prevent problems rather than correct them! Stellar Drive Monitor can send an email or network notifications about the drive’s health and performance. You will be able to see a hard drive’s pre-failure state and replace it before it goes out of service. If a disk’s performance suffers due to overheating or a lack of free space, you’ll be notified in the most convenient way.
The Stellar Drive Monitor software is free with 30-day trial offer, or $19.99. Stallarinfo.com also gives discount up to 20% off Stellar Drive Monitor coupon codes and deals for a limited period.
If you have numerous hard disks connected and need to know their statuses, Stellar Drive Monitor software is useful. With this software running, a hard drive failure will never catch you off guard.